Products to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Kingman AZ
When you step outdoors in your Kingman community, your hope is that you’re breathing clean, fresh air. However, the outdoor air quality in the area is average on the best day but considered poor when conditions are at their worst.
Carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pollutant particles are all rising in Arizona. Pollution from oil refineries, power plants, airports, and motor vehicle emissions can not only affect the air you breathe outdoors but can also compromise your indoor air quality.
Couple that with pollutants commonly found indoors and your body can respond with cancer, asthma, heart disease, and lung and breathing problems. Ambient Edge can help with products to improve the indoor air quality of your home in Kingman.
Indoor Air Quality Can Affect Your Health
If you are noticing the following symptoms, you might look into improving the air quality in your Kingman, AZ home.
Some of the indicators of hidden air pollution in your home:
- Nose and throat irritation
- Red, itchy eyes
- Headaches
- Allergic skin reaction
- Nausea
- Loss of coordination
- Damage to the central nervous system, kidneys, or liver
All of these symptoms can be influenced by many other outside factors, however, the air quality and pollutants in your home can be the cause. An indoor air purifying system or another product to improve the quality of your air may help.
What Is in the Air Inside a Kingman Home With Poor Air Quality?
According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, common indoor air quality issues include:
Bacteria and Mold
Bacteria is everywhere, but breathing in high levels of harmful bacteria can be hazardous to your health. From a variety of staphylococcus (staph) bacteria to a range of bacillus bacteria, the air you breathe inside your home could literally be making you sick.
In areas that are moist and humid, such as bathrooms, laundry areas, and kitchens, mold can grow unabated in unseen places. Mold causes a variety of health and respiratory issues. The installation of a self-cleaning ion generator can help to improve these air quality issues in your home in Kingman.
Common allergens in Arizona include pollutants, dust, pollen, mold, pet and rodent dander, and insects. Any or all of those can be a factor of poor indoor air quality. Severe allergy issues are no longer just seasonal in Arizona, they can occur year-round and make life miserable for the person suffering.
Inorganic Allergens and Irritants
High amounts of dust from building or restoration projects are one of the most frequent and dangerous pollutants we discover. This can start with a project you are working on at home or one that is near your home.
In any case, breathing may be affected for several months after the fine dust enters your ventilation system. This is simple to identify and manage by cleaning ducts, and it frequently results in an immediate improvement in respiratory difficulties afterward.
Reducing the allergens in your home can be the first step in relieving your allergen problems. Some products to consider include indoor air purification with help from products designed to improve air quality.
Toxic Materials
We can breathe a wide range of potentially harmful pollutants in our homes, from lead and asbestos dust to radon, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde gas.
Although it seems unlikely that any given person will come into contact with the majority of these toxins, it’s startling how frequently we discover at least one of them in a home. Don’t take any chances since all of these poisons pose serious hazards to your health.
The detection of anything at concentrations above trace levels will be given top priority in our suggestions, and we will assist you in locating and eliminating the original cause.
RGFClear Sky Self-Cleaning Ion Generator Can Dramatically Improve the Air Quality of Your Home or Office in Kingman
The RGFClear Sky continuous self-cleaning ion generator was made to cut down on airborne particles in living spaces that have air conditioning.
This indoor air quality improvement product releases charged ions into the air that help dust and allergens stick together into bigger pieces that are easier for the air conditioning system to filter out.
Some benefits of this option include:
- No tools are needed, hook-and-loop or magnetic mounting is fast and easy
- Extremely low energy consumption (1 watt)
- Improves Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) of treated spaces
- Decreases viruses, molds, spores, and bacteria in the air
- Budget-conscious option
- Reduces particulates and odors
- No maintenance required
- Continuous sonic self-cleaning ion emitters
Clean Your Indoor Air with a REME HALO In-Duct Air Purifier
REME HALO is more than just a regular UV lamp, not just because of its unique design, but also because it can actively improve the air quality in your home. Most systems for cleaning the air are either passive or don’t do much to reduce pollution.
REME HALO was created to be superior. Not only does it utilize UV light to improve the quality of your air, but it also possesses additional exclusive technologies. With REME HALO, mold spores, viruses, germs, and odors are all reduced in the air and on surfaces throughout your air-conditioned areas.
While it can feel frightening and overwhelming to learn what is in your home’s indoor air, you can’t begin to breathe healthier air until you know what’s there. Ambient Edge technicians can install the right product to ensure that your indoor air quality is safe.
Call Today to Learn More About Products to Improve the Air Quality of Your Kingman, AZ Home
If you’re planning on selling your home, indoor air quality inspections are often now a sales requirement. But whether you’re selling or staying in your home, an indoor air quality improvement product is a must to help protect the safety and health of your family.
Contact Ambient Edge to schedule your indoor air quality product installation. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and are highly recommended by your fellow Kingman neighbors and community members.