When the mercury rises in Kingman, Arizona, keeping your home cool and comfortable couldn’t be more important. Get to know the Lennox iComfort Wi-Fi thermostat, and learn how this device will help you keep your cool in any kind of weather.
It’s Impressively Precise
If your home’s temperature never seems to stay consistent, the Lennox iComfort Wi-Fi thermostat might just be what you’re looking for. This device is so precise, it keeps your home within a half of a degree of your temperature settings when you pair it with premium Lennox HVAC equipment.
It’s Easy to Modify From Virtually Anywhere
Whether you’ve just settled into bed, you’re watching a great movie on your comfy couch, or you’re enjoying the breeze out on the patio, you can’t always slip away to change your home’s temperature settings. With an iComfort thermostat, you don’t have to. Access it via your smartphone, tablet, or laptop and set the thermostat to your desired comfort level, no matter where you happen to be.
It Allows Overrides With a Single Touch
When comfort truly matters to you and your family, deciding on and programming the ideal temperature settings can take a week or more. Once you have the settings just right, you might not want to risk losing all your hard work with a manual override.
With an iComfort smart thermostat, however, you don’t have to worry. Whether you’re heading out of town on vacation or you have an unexpected day off, it’s simple to override your standard settings with One-Touch Away Mode, and resume normal settings when you’re ready.
It Requires Professional Installation
No matter how handy you are, for optimal results, you’ll need to have your iComfort thermostat professionally installed. At Ambient Edge, we recommend using this advanced Wi-Fi thermostat with a high-quality Lennox cooling system for optimal performance. If you have a different type of system, however, rest assured that we can connect this smart thermostat to many other kinds of air conditioners.
Could your home’s comfort level use an upgrade? Call the heating and cooling system experts at Ambient Edge to learn more about our smart thermostats today.
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