Henderson, Arizona, is a prime location for spring allergies. Pollen levels are high, and the warm weather beckons you outdoors to breathe in the fresh air. If you’re struggling with itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, and other uncomfortable symptoms associated with allergies, there are several things you can do to minimize your discomfort.
Know Your Risk Levels
If you suffer from allergies, it’s important to keep an eye on the pollen forecast. Find a favorite website or download a helpful app to your phone. You can find resources that track grass pollen, ragweed pollen, and tree pollen. With allergy testing, you can identify which threats have the biggest impact on your symptoms. Adjust your schedule to spend more time indoors on days when local pollen levels are high.
Keep Your Air Cleaner
Install an air purification system in your home to help filter out pollen, dander, and other allergens. A central air purifier goes right in your HVAC system so all the air that circulates through your home passes through this filter. Choose an air purifier with a high MERV rating. The higher the MERV on your filter, the smaller the particles it will filter out.
You should also change the standard filter in your HVAC system once a month if you suffer from allergies. This will prevent buildup on the filter, increase your system’s efficiency, and improve your indoor air quality (IAQ).
Schedule HVAC Service
There are many parts of your HVAC system that you simply can’t clean on your own. During your annual maintenance visit, your HVAC technician will clean out your system, getting rid of the inevitable buildup of dust, pollen, and other irritants. If you still feel that your utility bills are a bit high after your maintenance visit, you may want to consider a duct sealing as well to reduce air loss and increase IAQ.
Whether you’re looking for a quick tuneup or an advanced aerosol air duct sealing, Ambient Edge has the experience and tools to help. Contact us today.
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