Leaky ducts in your Las Vegas-area home aren’t something you should take lightly. Find out how Aeroseal can seal your ducts and help you conserve energy for years to come.
Locate Duct Problems
Ambient Edge Aeroseal technicians will start the process by testing your HVAC system for leaks. By closing off the registers in your home as the HVAC system runs, technicians can locate escaping air and identify problem areas in your ductwork. Since the average home loses about 20 to 30 percent of the air that flows through its ducts as a result of cracks, leaks, and holes, technicians will likely find many issues in your ductwork.
Seal Ducts From the Inside
Instead of sealing duct problems from the outside, the Aeroseal process seals them from the inside. To do this, technicians inject airborne adhesive into your duct system. The particles attach to holes and cracks as the air attempts to escape from your ducts. Once complete, the Aeroseal process can improve your duct leakage by 90 percent, which leads to about 30 percent energy reduction.
Even Out Temperatures in Your Home
Most homeowners notice benefits from Aeroseal right away. Because such a large percentage of air no longer escapes from your ducts, cool air more easily reaches all areas of your home. That means hard-to-reach rooms that were once difficult to cool can now maintain temperatures consistent with the rest of your house. You will no longer waste energy trying to manage warm bedrooms and an overly cool living room.
Lighten the Load on Your A/C System
Fixing leaky ducts with Aeroseal allows your air conditioner to work less to keep your home cool. That means your A/C can operate more efficiently and experience less wear and tear, saving you energy as well as utility and repair costs.
Don’t let your leaky ducts waste energy for another day. Call the experienced professionals at Ambient Edge to learn more about Aeroseal.
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