Whether you love cool weather or you can’t wait for summer to return, you’ll want to make sure your home keeps the winter chill outside where it belongs. When weather-proofing your home, it pays to be proactive and follow these four tips for insulating your Henderson, Nevada, home this fall and winter.
Seal Drafty Areas
Before the weather gets too chilly, take the time to check for drafts throughout your home. You’re most likely to find them around windows, doorframes, and baseboards, although you’ll also find air leaks where cables, pipes, and ducts enter or exit your home.
Once you’ve identified air leaks, apply weatherstripping to seal the drafts. You can also apply caulk to cracks or broken seals, so long as you don’t permanently seal windows or doors shut.
Insulate the Attic
It’s common for homes in the Henderson area to lose heat through the attic. This is especially true if your attic doesn’t have at least 12 inches of insulation, which is the minimum recommended amount.
You can easily assess whether your attic needs more insulation. Climb up to the attic and look around. If you can see the ceiling joists sticking out beyond the insulation, add more. This will help you save energy while staying warmer all winter long.
Redecorate Floors and Windows
If you can’t stand to feel cool floors under your feet in the winter, add an extra layer of insulation with an area rug. You can increase insulation around your windows with smart redecorating choices, too.
Install medium-colored curtains that cover your windows completely. Close them at night to reduce heat loss by up to 10 percent. Maximize your curtains’ insulating power by installing them as close to the window as possible and sealing them at the sides and at the center.
It’s not too late to get your home ready for fall and winter. From improved insulation to new heating systems, Ambient Edge has what you need to stay cozy and warm. Give us a call today to learn more about our services.
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