Your home’s HVAC system does more than control your internal climate. A powerful HVAC system also keeps debris out of your air, stabilizes your energy bills, and preserves your home’s health. Under the best of conditions, your HVAC system should last several years without the need for significant repairs or replacement.
How long should your HVAC system last in general, though? In most cases, the lifespan of your HVAC system depends on your home’s size, damage risks, and the unit’s age. The local climate can also impact a system’s longevity. If you’re struggling to assess the state of your HVAC system, Ambient Edge’s team can help.
How Long Can Your HVAC System Last?
The average HVAC system can serve your home for up to 25 years at a time. That said, you have to consider when the system was installed when estimating when it may give out.
HVAC units installed before 2005 may not have been built with the power demands of the modern home in mind. Comparatively, newer HVAC systems may not wear themselves out contending with the demands of a more connected home.
The size of your home can also contribute to when an HVAC system may give out. HVAC systems in smaller homes may have longer lifespans. Comparatively, systems serving larger homes may have to work harder to control the temperature in those spaces.
What Can Damage My HVAC System?
Your HVAC system is one of many lines of defense that your home has against the weather. Not only that, but your system also withstands a battery of debris and detritus over time courtesy of its air filter.
Because it’s doing so much heavy lifting in your home, your HVAC system can begin to show signs of wear and tear a year out from its initial installation. The sooner you contend with that wear, the longer your HVAC system is likely to last.
What kind of damage commonly plagues household HVAC systems, though? How long should your HVAC system last in the face of that damage? Again, there are several factors that can wear your unit down sooner than later. The forces that can most rapidly age your HVAC system can include:
Duct Damage
Debris builds up in your HVAC system’s ducts over time. The longer you leave your ducts unattended, the more likely that debris is to block the flow of air through your home. This detritus can also dangerously decrease the air quality in your home.
Built-up debris can even permanently contort your ducts, resulting in expensive leaks. While you can clean your ducts on your own time, it’s best to call in professionals if you notice substantial changes in your airflow. Our team can determine why your HVAC system isn’t circulating debris out of its ducts and where the damage to the ducts originates.
Once we know where your debris is coming from, we can address your lack of flow at its source. As such, we can prevent similar damage from popping up in the future.
Thermostat Damage and Increasing Electric Bills
Your HVAC system is only as efficient as your thermostat. Thermostats, unfortunately, are made up of delicate wires that can suffer damage in the face of poor weather, high humidity, and even brute force.
When damaged, the trouble a thermostat can cause your HVAC system is substantial. Your thermostat can force your HVAC system to run without stopping, wearing out its fans as it goes. Alternatively, your HVAC system may stop running entirely if your thermostat can’t accurately sense your home’s temperature.
This damage doesn’t only wear out your system and cost you money. Exposure to allergens can also cause your family’s health to suffer. If you notice that you’re struggling to control the temperature in your home, contact a local contractor ASAP. Our team can assess your system for wear and prevent miscommunications that might significantly shorten your unit’s lifespan.
Mold and Mildew Damage
If you live in an area that sees considerable annual humidity, you know how dangerous unchecked moisture can be in a home. If your HVAC system isn’t equipped to draw unwanted moisture out of your air, there’s a risk that mold could spread and flourish throughout your home.
This is one of the benefits of consistent HVAC inspections. When you have a team check on the condition of your HVAC system, you can ensure that none of the parts involved are allowing extra moisture into your home. We can repair leaks before they get out of hand and work with community contractors to prevent colonies from compromising your family’s health.
Do I Need to Replace My HVAC System?
When you develop a consistent relationship with a team of HVAC system technicians, you can regularly repair any severe damage done to your unit. However, there may come a point where your HVAC system can no longer keep up with the demands of your home. This is often the case with older units.
If you notice that your HVAC system is no longer adequately cooling or heating your home, it may be time to consider a replacement. Alternatively, if it may cost more to sustain your HVAC system than it would to replace it, our team can let you know. We strive to find you replacement HVAC units that are compatible with your home’s energy output and needs.
Should I Schedule an HVAC System Inspection?
While there are some predetermined conditions that can determine how long your HVAC system should last, there’s no accounting for everything that could go wrong in your home. With that in mind, you may want to have it inspected at least two times a year.
Regular inspections can help you contend with damage from seasonal changes. You can schedule these inspections well in advance, or you can call on our team should you suspect that something’s gone amiss. We have a 24-hour emergency response time that ensures that your home HVAC system receives the care that it needs.
Make Sure Your HVAC Unit Stays In Working Order for Longer
Your home’s HVAC system keeps temperatures down in the summer and warm in the winter. If you can get ahead of the damage that might shorten your system’s lifespan, you can continue to enjoy state-of-the-art control all year long.
Ambient Edge offers you ready access to technicians who can inspect, repair, and replace your home’s HVAC system. For more information about the services our technicians make available, contact us today. We can schedule a home inspection or unit consultation to suit your schedule.