Property owners in and around Southern Nevada and Northwest Arizona count on their air conditioning to stay cool and comfortable. If the AC unit stops working, temperatures indoors can quickly rise. Is your outside AC unit not turning on?
Here’s why the AC unit may not work correctly. Go over common problems experienced by residential property owners and consider methods to fix the issue quickly. If you discover you need professional help, reach out to our team at Ambient Edge.
Why Do Outside AC Units Turn Off in Las Vegas?
Is your outside unit not turning on? Maybe your outdoor AC unit stops after some time, but before your home or business cools down? Several common problems may cause this issue. In some cases, property owners can fix the problem on their own.
In other cases, you may want to contact a professional AC repair company for assistance. But, first, we’ll go over some of the most common reasons for a split AC outdoor unit not working.
#1: The Circuit Breaker Tripped
Why is your outside AC unit not turning on? In many cases, this issue arises after your circuit breaker trips. The circuit breaker panel “trips” when it detects high voltage currents to protect your appliances and prevent fires.
How Do You Solve This Problem?
You can handle a tripped circuit breaker by checking the breaker box. You can usually find this box in your garage or another out-of-the-way room. Ensure the switch controlling power to your outdoor unit is in the correct position.
Note that you can minimize the chance of future issues with the breaker box by keeping your electrical appliances well-maintained. If the problem repeatedly occurs, make sure you contact an electrician or AC repair specialist.
#2: The Air Filter Got Dirty
The air filter plays an essential role in the function of your outdoor AC unit. Filters gather debris, dust, dirt, pollen, and other contaminants from the air, allowing water to reach the drain line properly.
A clogged filter causes water droplets to accumulate in the outdoor unit. Eventually, the droplets can freeze around the drain line and condenser coil, stopping your AC unit from properly turning on. The Department of Energy considers drain line clogs a common AC problem.
How Do You Solve This Problem?
Preventative maintenance helps you avoid an AC shutdown from a dirty filter. The experts recommend that you change the filter every few months. You may want to change it more frequently if you have pets or live with smokers.
You can also count on an AC maintenance company to change your filter during regular service appointments.
Note that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers air filters one of the best ways to keep contaminants out of the air in your home, so you have multiple reasons to change them frequently.
#3: The Evaporator Coils Clogged
Is your outside AC unit not turning on? Here’s why the evaporator coils could be at fault.
Outdoor AC units typically use an evaporator coil to cool air before blowing it into your home. Unfortunately, these coils can clog, especially if the filters get dirty. Clogs make your system less effective and can eventually cause the unit to shut down.
How Do You Solve This Problem?
Keeping your outdoor AC unit clean can help reduce the odds of an evaporator coil clog. Set up regular maintenance appointments with a local AC repair company, and crews can clean up the coils, keeping your unit in excellent condition.
#4: The Motor Malfunctioned
Sometimes, the motor of an outdoor unit malfunctions, especially for older air conditioners. If you heard strange noises before the unit failed, it might have been an issue with the motor. AC professionals can diagnose this issue.
How Do You Solve This Problem?
Do you want to know how to turn on an AC unit outside after a motor malfunction?
Motor failures and malfunctions generally require professional repairs. Technicians may need to replace a part or the entire motor assembly in some situations. Some property owners decide to replace the entire outside unit in this situation.
#5: The Thermostat Broke
If your outside AC unit is not turning on, it could be a thermostat issue.
If your thermostat clicks but the AC does not turn on, you could have an issue with the thermostat itself. Broken thermostats often fail to properly communicate with the rest of your heating and cooling system.
How Do You Solve This Problem?
You can fix some thermostat issues relatively easily. First, make sure the thermostat has working batteries. Replacing the batteries may solve the entire problem. Additionally, make sure you have the thermostat set to “cool” and not “heat” or “automatic.”
In other cases, the electronics inside the thermostat may have failed. In this situation, an AC repair professional may replace the thermostat. You could even decide to upgrade to a smart thermostat in this situation.
#6: The Shut-Off Switch Got Hit Accidentally
Most outdoor AC units have a shut-off switch. Usually, you can find the switch in a metal box close to the AC unit. Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes accidentally set this switch to “off,” preventing your AC unit from working.
How Do You Solve This Problem?
Are you wondering how to get your outside AC unit to kick on after a shut-off switch problem occurs?
You may simply be able to turn the shut-off switch back to the proper position to get your AC unit functioning correctly again. If the AC unit does not respond to changes in the shut-off switch, you may want to contact the professionals for assistance.
Can You Fix an Outside AC That Doesn’t Turn On?
Is your outside AC unit not turning on? Here’s why you may want to work with AC repair professionals in this situation. Air conditioning repair crews can assess the problem quickly, fix it, and get your cool air again.
Our team at Ambient Edge works quickly, provides pricing estimates, and treats you fairly. Let us assess your AC problems today. Call us or complete our online contact form to learn more.