When your air quality is poor, it can impact your health and well-being. Poor air quality can make you sick over time, and it can be difficult to recover until you adjust these ventilation issues. Unfortunately, many households have problems that can heavily impact indoor air quality.
If you are concerned about air quality, look out for these common pollutants. These four things that worsen indoor air quality can already have impacted your and your family’s health. Repairing your ventilation system or making changes to your air conditioning system can make a big difference in reducing these issues and restoring your health.
Smoking and Other Air Pollutants
In past decades, most public buildings allowed smoking throughout the building, creating smoke damage and poor air quality inside. Thanks to current legislation, most public places are smoke-free, and many do not allow smoking within a certain distance of the entrance. However, for many residential buildings, you may have a problem with your indoor air quality if you or another resident smokes.
If you have smokers in your home, you may struggle to remove the smell and keep your air quality high. Even quality air filtration systems may have difficulty as they work to remove all particles from cigarettes from the air. Because of this, you may have to invest in a much higher quality air filter for your HVAC system than others.
Keep in mind as well that cigarettes also produce carbon monoxide. This may increase the level of this dangerous gas in your home, causing breathing problems and even health hazards. Secondhand smoke can cause severe health problems when it’s inhaled over many years, and maintaining regular air filter changes to prevent the build-up of dangerous pollutants can make a difference.
Mold Exposure
Mold can do more than damage your home with its spreading spores. You may also know that people within your home may suffer health conditions caused by exposure to mold. They can suffer illnesses from allergies to ongoing and severe respiratory problems. Those growing health issues may only worsen until the spread of mold is stopped.
Mold spores can travel through the air and can be breathed in by the inhabitants of the building. Mold can be easily spread at any opportunity, meaning you may have to check frequently to maintain a mold-free home. Part of this includes ensuring that your ventilation system and plumbing are not providing opportunities for mold to spread.
Because the side effects of mold exposure can be long-lasting, it is important to protect the air quality of your home. Air mold tests can help determine whether you have mold in your home, for example. However, one of the best ways to ensure that your home’s air quality is at its highest is to seek out HVAC services from professionals like our team to remove mold from the air and prevent future outbreaks.
Cleaning Supplies
Sometimes, it may take more than a little soap and elbow grease to remove a stain or clean up a mess. However, many of the household cleaners we use every day contain harsh chemicals that can impact your health. Exposure to these chemicals every time, especially if ventilation is not at its best, can damage your lungs and cause long-term illnesses.
Many cleaners have harsh chemicals that help quickly and easily remove dirt and grime. While these methods may kill germs and prevent you from more difficult scrubbing, those chemicals can be dangerous if breathed in repeatedly over time. For example, if you are cleaning your bathroom with harsh cleaners (especially those containing bleach) and your bathroom ventilation fan is not working, it can hurt your health.
Because of this, it is important to install or ensure that your ventilation system is working as needed. These harsh chemicals can linger in the air for a long time, creating health issues for the people in the house. Fortunately, our team has the tools you need to improve air quality and protect yourself from these harsh chemicals.
Poor Ventilation
In many ways, we are exposed to pollutants, carcinogens, and other dangerous chemicals every day. However, with a robust ventilation system, some of that damage can be prevented and avoided, keeping your lungs clean. If you do not have a well-maintained HVAC system, you may note more illness, respiratory issues, and other problems stemming from your ventilation.
A powerful ventilation system can filter out many of these issues. For example, with a strong air filter on your air conditioner, you can remove many of the particles that may impact your allergies, respiratory health, and more. Ensuring that your ventilation system is ready to handle anything is key.
Repairing or installing a part for your HVAC system can be tough without a professional on your side. Fortunately, our team is here to help as soon as you need our guidance. If you are experiencing respiratory issues or other health concerns because of poor ventilation, reach out to us to learn more about your options to improve your current system, replace parts, and keep your air clean.
Get Help Keeping Your Air Quality Great
When your air quality is not at its best, it can hurt your health, impacting your ability to breathe, causing odors in your home, and, in worst-case scenarios, causing serious respiratory illnesses that harm your health. When this happens, you may need to take action to eliminate the issue and breathe freely again.
Many of these common things that make your indoor air quality worse can be reduced or removed completely with a better air filter or strong ventilation system. At Ambient Edge, we offer the air conditioning, HVAC, and ventilation services you need for your home or business. We can help you improve and maintain air quality so you can expect to breathe easily from now on.
Are you ready to reach out to a home ventilation specialist? Our team offers appointments about your system before you hire us to make the changes you need. To learn more about our services, simply call or complete our online contact form.