If you’re looking into a kitchen hood to help clean up your kitchen, you may not be aware of the possibilities out there. For instance, did you know there are different ventilation types available? Or that they come in different sizes? Did you know they also go by the name “range hood,” or “vent hood,” and that these terms all refer to the same thing?
Once you settle on the kitchen hood you want, Ambient Edge can help you install it. We’ll also give it a once-over to make sure it will work well for your kitchen. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment for a consultation.
One of the first things to consider when you’re shopping for a range hood is the cost. This is important because if you decide you’ll spend a little extra to get the range hood you want, you may be wasting money because it may not be the right fit for your kitchen.
You should expect to spend around $500 for a kitchen hood. This will get you an efficient hood that does the job you need it to do. Some hoods come with lights, which, while more expensive, can make working in the kitchen more enjoyable and less stressed. Some look fancier and while you may like the style, they may not work well with your kitchen. You should definitely weigh the options available to you before you make your final decision.
Ventilation is something else important to consider. The ventilation you should opt for depends heavily on your living situation. For instance, if you live in an apartment, and you don’t want your neighbors to have to smell the fish dishes you cook up, you should opt for a ductless range hood. Our team at Ambient Edge can help you decide on which ventilation option works best with your space.
The amount of power your vent hood contains is important as well. You can measure power in cubic feet per minute (CFM). However, this means nothing until you determine the kind of stove you have. You also need to take into consideration the kinds of dishes you’ll most often cook on it.
A regular range hood works best for the average household that cooks meals that are more basic. However, if you are heavily into frying or grilling on your range, or if you specialize in strong, spicy dishes, then you may want to actually weigh the benefits of a professional-level hood for your home.
The size of the range hood you choose is not as important as, say, its power or ventilation capabilities. However, you don’t want something so large or so small that it can’t do its job. Size and mount also go hand in hand. You should carefully consider where you decide to mount the hood versus the size you want to go with.
For instance, if you will be mounting the hood on the wall, your hood should either equal the size of your stove or be slightly larger than the range. If you are mounting the hood on an island, you don’t need to make it larger than your range. Instead, you need to make sure there is a three-to-six-inch overlap on each side. This overlap is better able to trap the heat and grease of the food you cook, not to mention any potential odors.
On a related note, you should also coordinate the height of your ceiling with the height of your cooktop. Unless otherwise specified, you should keep the distance between them in the range of 24” to 30” apart.
Looking Into Kitchen Hoods? Ambient Edge Can Help You Install It!
A kitchen hood can be a lifesaver. Whether your kitchen gets especially hot when you cook, or you tend to cook food with strong odors that travel for miles, a kitchen hood can help you rein it all in. The key is to pick a hood that is the right size for your kitchen, and to choose one that does exactly what you need it to do. Some hoods may be “pretty”, but if they don’t match the needs of your kitchen, then they’re useless and it’s money wasted.
Ambient Edge can help you both shop for and install your next kitchen hood. We can analyze your space and cooking habits and advise you on the right kind of kitchen hood to buy. Then, we can install it for you so you don’t have to worry about installing it improperly or even just dealing with the hassle. Give us a call today, and let’s improve your kitchen together!