CFM, or “cubic feet per minute,” is the measurement of the amount of air the fan inside your range hood can handle. When shopping for a new range hood, the CFM will tell you how powerful that range hood is.
If your cooking style concerns greasy and/or spicy foods that are hotter and have a stronger smell than other dishes, then you need a powerful range hood that can filter all of that out. After an hour, a peppery dish may smell wonderful. After four hours, not so much. A higher CFM can rid the air of any smoke or smells, so you don’t have to smell the remnants of your dinner long after you’re done with it.
On average, most homes do quite well with a low CFM, but it truly all depends on your cooking style. Those in the restaurant industry, for example, who cook more food and for longer hours of the day need a range hood with a higher CFM.
If you’re not sure how to appropriately determine the right level of CFM for your kitchen, our team at Ambient Edge can help! Call us for a free consultation. We can offer advice on everything from shopping for a range hood to installing one – and we can even help install it.
Understanding CFM
To adequately measure how much CFM is right for your kitchen, the first thing you need to do is calculate the amount of BTUs your range puts out overall. Add together each of the BTUs your burners put out, then divide by 100. That’s your CFM. (You may be able to do this a lot faster by checking your owner’s manual or looking up your specific make and model online.)
For example, if your range produces 40,000 BTUs, then you’ll need a CFM of at least 400. Please note that while this calculation method works for most kitchens, it doesn’t work for them all. So, if you want to keep it simpler, use this general rule: the hotter the range, the more CFM you need to cool it off.
Of course, other factors can complicate matters, such as the size of your kitchen, and the makeup and length of your ductwork. If all this sounds Greek to you, don’t worry – Ambient Edge can help you find the right CFM for your kitchen.
Sone Levels
A range hood’s “sone level” tells you, simply, how loud the range hood is while the fan is running. The higher the CFM, the higher the sone level, and the noisier the range hood. While you may not feel thrilled with the idea of a noisy range hood, if that’s what you need for appropriate kitchen ventilation, then that’s what you need.
Something to remember, though, is that you may rarely need to crank your range hood up to its maximum sone level. So, while you may need that higher sone level at certain points, you may not have to deal with such a high level of noise all the time.
This may sound silly, but it’s rather important. Some folks will opt for lower sone levels in exchange for a quieter hood. But if you’re buying a hood that doesn’t properly ventilate and cool down your kitchen, then you’re just throwing your money in the ashtray. Plus, an inadequate range hood puts you at a higher risk for a grease fire or, at the very least, a smelly house.
How to Know if You’re in the “Sone”
How can you possibly know whether a 3 or 4 “sone” is good for your kitchen? Maybe your range would do just fine with a 2-sone rated hood. How can you tell?
Consider how hot your kitchen tends to get in an average week, and then budget accordingly. A 1- or 2-sone rating means the kitchen hood runs quietly, like a refrigerator running in the background. A 7- or 8-sone rating, on the other hand, is like allowing traffic to bypass the highway through your kitchen.
The expert team we have here at Ambient Edge can help you pick the range hood with the right sone level for your kitchen. We know how important it is to find that balance between getting the hood that’s right for your kitchen and finding the quietest possible sone level that still suits your needs.
Still Need Help Finding the Right Range Hood? Our Experts at Ambient Edge Are Here for You!
Selecting a range hood with the right CFM for your kitchen can make all the difference in the world. When the CFM is right, you can enjoy a kitchen free of smells, smoke, and grease within. Even if the sone level is noisier than you prefer, it’s worth every dollar spent if it helps you prevent a fire hazard and enhance your comfort level.
At Ambient Edge, we’re here for you at every step of the purchasing process. We also offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee on all our parts and labor. Don’t spend any more time than you need to be stressing over buying a kitchen hood with the right CFM for your kitchen. Call Ambient Edge today or send us a message online, and let’s work on improving your kitchen together!